Advanced Periodontal Care in Chatswood

Advanced Periodontal Care is a treatment for severe gum disease, also known as periodontitis. At iCare Family Dental Chatswood, our experienced team uses cutting-edge techniques to treat advanced gum disease and restore your oral health

1. Why It's Important:

Advanced Periodontal Care is crucial for maintaining oral health and preventing severe gum disease. Here's why:

- Prevents Tooth Loss: Advanced periodontal treatment can halt the progression of gum disease, which is a leading cause of tooth loss in adults.

- Protects Overall Health: Periodontal disease has been linked to systemic health issues, including heart disease, diabetes, and respiratory problems.

- Eliminates Bad Breath: Treating advanced gum disease can significantly improve halitosis caused by bacteria.

- Enhances Smile Aesthetics: By improving gum health, the treatment can lead to a more attractive smile.

- Reduces Inflammation: Treating periodontal disease can lower overall body inflammation.

- Prevents Bone Loss: Advanced care can stop and sometimes reverse alveolar bone loss.

2. What to Expect:


- A comprehensive periodontal examination will be conducted.

- Your medical history will be reviewed, including any medications you're taking.

- X-rays may be taken to assess bone loss.


- The procedure is typically performed under local anesthesia for your comfort.

- Treatment time varies depending on the extent of the disease but usually takes 0.5-1 hour per quadrant.

- You may feel some pressure, but the procedure should not be painful.


- Some sensitivity and mild discomfort may persist for a few days.

- You'll receive detailed post-operative care instructions.

- A follow-up appointment will be scheduled to assess healing and plan any necessary further treatment.

3. The Procedure:

Advanced Periodontal Care typically involves the following steps:

1. Scaling and Root Planing (Deep Cleaning):

   - Using specialized instruments, the dentist or periodontist removes plaque and tartar (calculus) from above and below the gum line.

   - Root surfaces are smoothed (planed) to remove infected tooth structure and encourage reattachment of healthy gums to the teeth.

   - This process may be done using ultrasonic devices and hand instruments.


2. Antibiotic Therapy:

   - Local or systemic antibiotics may be used to combat bacterial infection.

   - This might include antibiotic microspheres placed directly into periodontal pockets or oral antibiotics.


3. Occlusal Adjustment:

   - If traumatic occlusion is contributing to periodontal disease, the bite may be adjusted to distribute forces more evenly.


4. Splinting:

   - For teeth that have become loose due to bone loss, splinting may be used to stabilize them.


5. Maintenance and Follow-up:

   - A strict maintenance schedule will be established, typically involving more frequent cleanings (every 3-4 months).

   - Proper at-home care instructions will be provided, including specialised brushing and flossing techniques.

- Personalised Treatment Plans: Our Chatswood dental experts create tailored periodontal treatment plans based on the severity of your gum disease, overall health, and lifestyle factors.

- State-of-the-Art Technology: We utilise advanced diagnostic tools such as digital radiography and periodontal charting software to accurately assess your gum health and track progress.

- Holistic Approach: Our periodontal care goes beyond just treating your gums. We consider factors like nutrition, stress management, and systemic health conditions that may impact your gum health.

- Patient Education: We prioritise educating our Chatswood patients about periodontal health, providing resources and tools for effective at-home care.

4. What to do between treatments:

- Follow a strict oral hygiene regimen as instructed by your dentist or periodontist.

- Use any prescribed mouth rinses or oral medications as directed.

- Avoid smoking and limit alcohol consumption.

- Maintain a healthy diet rich in vitamins C and D, which support gum health.

- Attend all scheduled maintenance appointments.

- Report any changes in your oral health promptly.


  • Gingivitis is the early stage of gum disease, characterised by inflammation of the gums. It's reversible with good oral hygiene and professional cleaning. Periodontitis is a more advanced stage where the infection has spread below the gum line, potentially affecting the bone supporting your teeth. This requires more intensive treatment, which is where our Advanced Periodontal Care comes in.

  • The duration of treatment varies depending on the severity of your condition. Initial treatment typically involves several appointments over a few weeks. For instance, scaling and root planing might be done in quadrants, with each session lasting 0.5-1 hour. After the active treatment phase, you'll need regular maintenance visits, usually every 3-4 months.

  • At iCare Family Dental Chatswood, we prioritise your comfort. We use local anaesthesia to ensure you're comfortable during the procedure. You might experience some sensitivity and mild discomfort for a few days after treatment, but this can usually be managed with over-the-counter pain relievers. We'll provide detailed post-care instructions to minimise any discomfort.

  • Not all cases of periodontal disease require surgery. We always start with non-surgical treatments like scaling and root planing. However, in advanced cases where there's significant bone loss or very deep pockets, surgical intervention might be necessary. We'll thoroughly discuss all treatment options with you.

  • Preventing recurrence involves a partnership between you and our Chatswood dental team. Regular maintenance visits (usually every 3-4 months) are crucial. At home, you'll need to follow a strict oral hygiene regimen, which we'll teach you. This includes proper brushing technique, daily flossing, and possibly using additional tools like interdental brushes or a water flosser. A healthy diet, avoiding smoking, and managing stress also play important roles in maintaining gum health.

  • Medicare generally doesn't cover dental procedures. However, many private health insurance plans do offer coverage for periodontal treatments. The level of coverage varies depending on your policy. We recommend checking with your insurance provider about your specific coverage. Our Chatswood team can also assist you in understanding your benefits and provide item numbers for claiming.

  • Untreated periodontal disease can lead to serious consequences. These include:

    - Progressive bone loss around your teeth

    - Tooth loosening and eventual tooth loss

    - Recurring abscesses

    - Halitosis (persistent bad breath)

    - Potential impacts on systemic health, including increased risk of heart disease and complications for diabetes

    Early intervention with our Advanced Periodontal Care can help prevent these issues and preserve your oral health.

Remember, at iCare Family Dental Chatswood, we're committed to providing exceptional periodontal care tailored to your unique needs. Our experienced team uses the latest techniques and technologies to ensure the best possible outcomes for our patients in Chatswood and surrounding areas.